
Physiotherapy is a well respected health care profession that uses an evidence based approach to manage disease, injury or disability. Working with a physiotherapist can help improve mobility and strength, reduce pain and assist you in meeting your personal goals.

Growing up in Penticton, Steve is a local to the area. He received his undergraduate degree in Human Kinetics at UBCO in Kelowna where he played varsity golf in the Summer and balanced his Winters with playing Junior hockey in Osoyoos.

Furthering his education, Steve completed a Master of Physiotherapy in 2017 at Western University in London, Ontario. Certified in manual therapy, soft-tissue release and IMS/Dry needling, Steve’s approach to physiotherapy is to use exercise in conjunction with these techniques to improve the mobility and well-being for his clients, so that they can get back to the activities they like to do.

As an all-around sports fan, Steve continues to keep an active lifestyle playing golf, hockey and softball in the community.

Growing up in Penticton, Steve is a local to the area. He received his undergraduate degree in Hu... Read More

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Located at: 104 - 500 Vees Dr, Penticton
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